It is often observed that when an individual gets through these unexpected setbacks, he begins to feel anxious, depressed, stressed and often ends up in a mental trauma or disorder which requires immediate attention. This is where Lifeset Psychology Centre comes into being, as we here to help the individuals to limb back to normalcy.
The Psychology Centre persistently strives to invoke the hidden powers and potentials among individuals and enables them to succeed well and also to bring forth the inherent capacity to attain success in his or her life.
We believe in building upon the strengths of most of the individuals who come to us, helping to reinforce relationships with family and friends and restore grace and dignity to live in a recovery model through a series of psychological counselling and training.
Many parents do observe aggressive behavior in children, when they are denied watching Television, games and the excessive use of both mobile and internet. The aggressive behavior often turns out to be quite violent among most of them
Depression and anxiety can be overpowering which affects all areas of life, and those suffering from depression and also anxiety often are overwhelmed by emotions caused by people, events and feelings. They always tend to perceive that “Others would not understand them”.
Divorce counseling has become an integral component for individuals who seek divorce and the family courts do involve divorce counseling for couples in case the couples get keener to have relationship reconciliation before they get their final separation note.
It has been observed that, “An uncontrolled anger can take its stroll over the varied relationships you tend to maintain in a family, professional front and also in the society you live in”.
In today’s context, the institution of marriage has drastically changed and has literally overturned the tradition of forever commitment; the ancient saying of “Marriages are made in Heaven” has taken up a backstage.
It is often seen that individuals who get into the situation of losing their loved ones or having to fail in their business setup get into a traumatic condition and they slip . . . . .
We focus on a unique, result-oriented therapy which finds out the root cause of the psychological problem as we have our trained counsellors, who are a team of psychologists, psychotherapists, language trainers and life skill trainers. These trained counsellors have been specifically trained on the alternative therapy or holistic therapy and are always on their job to answer any questions that you come across which concerns the mental health.
We are quite recognised and popular in the market to have the combination of the best ancient wisdom of holistic therapy with modern intelligence.
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