Franchise Options

Franchise Options

Lifeset Psychology Centre has been offering excellent psychological sessions and counseling services to scores of individuals across the city and even expanding beyond the horizons of the city. We have also been offering our services to more and more cities and towns through our franchise network.

Above that, we persistently encourage more and more individuals to take up franchise options from and get involved in psychological sessions through counseling. If the individuals wanted to initiate the startup or are keen to have their counseling practice through us can readily take up franchising in his or her city or town.

Our Lifeset Psychology Centre Franchise Program is just aimed for the individuals who are keen in spreading the wings; the franchise program offers a unique opportunity for all interested individuals. Of Late, we have been one of the evolvings and and offer the best psychological franchise options for them.

Franchise Structure

The eligibility criterion:

The individuals who wish to take up franchise options should have diploma or a graduate in psychology and are very good in the counseling practice.

Our current structure:

We have re-imagined and re-defined the counseling practice for a franchisor; the franchisor derives multiple benefit features when taking up franchise and significantly reflects the branding benefits.

Marketing Collaterals:

The franchisor also gets the benefits of having the marketing collaterals pertaining to his area or location. Above all, the franchisor gets a backend support from Lifeset Psychology Centre all the time.


The new franchisor gets a mandatory induction before the complete formalities of franchising is done. The training enables him to understand the various aspects of psychology and how to deal with certain complicated cases.

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